With this update, we're delivering updates and improvements to your vehicle.

We have made enhancements to how Highway Assist performs on curves.

We have improved the performance of Manual Lane Biasing.

Surround View Monitoring is now available faster.

A driver can now also access call and media information on the instrument cluster. Detailed changes to behavior include:

Incoming call is displayed on instrument cluster along with a graphic of the steering wheel button to pick it up.

Active call information is displayed on the instrument cluster if dialer app is not open.

Active media information is displayed on the instrument cluster if media app is not open.

Navigation turn by turn information is hidden from the instrument cluster if navigation app is already open.

Users will now participate in a 90-day free trial of streaming SiriusXM service. In addition to app improvements, the below are new features:

Favorites are now associated with Lucid vehicle profiles. When a user switches profiles, (i.e. Primary driver to Guest) the SXM favorites will change to match the driver profile.

At the end of 90-day free trial the vehicle owner's account will become Inactive, whereby a user will need to subscribe to continue service.

Subscription status can be seen in the Settings page.

Call SiriusXM: If the account is Inactive (Trial has expired), the user will be prompted in the app to call to subscribe. A call is placed by selecting Call SiriusXM (when a phone is paired).

Note: Beta service will end shortly after this OTA update is released

We have increased the amount of time preconditioning will condition the power train to ensure a better user experience when charging the vehicle. This will occur if it is triggered autonomously through Navigation or if the user manually pushes the precondition button.

For Pure RWD customers: Users will receive a notification if conditions exist that will limit regen in the vehicle. This could occur during extremely cold weather or during low charge conditions.

For Sapphire customers: Users will experience an improved throttle response for smoother handling and performance in track modes.

  • We have made other minor improvements and minor fixes