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Updating Software

Your vehicle supports wireless software updates, giving you continued access to new features and improvements. Lucid recommends installing these updates as soon as they become available.

Current Software Version

Select >  About Vehicle on the Pilot Panel to view the current software version. Press Learn More next to a version to read the release notes.

Prerequisites for Updates

  • Your vehicle must be shifted into P (Park) before starting an update.
  • The vehicle battery must be charged to at least 20% before installation because some updates take a few hours to install. See Charging the Vehicle.
    Note: Charging is paused during the update installation process.
  • Ensure that your vehicle is connected to Wi-FiĀ® and has a strong signal in order to receive updates quickly and uninterrupted. See Add a New Wi-Fi Network.
  • You will not be able to lock or unlock the vehicle, access the screens, or drive during the update.
  • Guest Users are unable to install or schedule updates. See About User Profiles.
Warning: All occupants must exit the vehicle before the update. Once the update starts, you will not be able lock or unlock doors.

Update Notifications

You should receive notifications in three ways when a software update becomes available:

  1. A push notification will be sent to the Lucid Mobile app.
    Note: This notification will only be received if push notifications are enabled on your mobile device.
  2. A notification will display on the Right Cockpit Panel when your vehicle is shifted into P (Park).

    The notifications will continue once per day at the start of the first trip of the day if the update is not installed within 24 hours from the first notification.

    Press REMIND ME LATER to postpone the notification for 8 hours. Press REVIEW UPDATE to continue with the update process on the Pilot Panel.

  3. A notification badge will appear on the icon on the Pilot Panel. The badge will disappear once the update is installed.

View Available Update

Select >  About Vehicle on the Pilot Panel. Anotification badge will appear on the  About Vehicle icon if a software update is available. The update information, estimated installation time, and options will display.

Schedule an Update

Press SCHEDULE TIME on the software update screen if you wish to start the update later. Updates can be scheduled up to 48 hours later:

  1. Read the cautionary statement and press CONFIRM to consent to the update.
  2. Select the time to start on the screen provided and press SET TIME to save.
  3. Your scheduled date and time will display on the main software update screen and can be edited by pressing the icon beside it. Ensure that all update prerequisites will be met at the scheduled time.

You will receive a notification on the Right Cockpit Panel 30 minutes before a scheduled update with options to Delay an Hour or Cancel Schedule.

Install an Update Now

Press INSTALL NOW to proceed with the update on the software update screen.

  1. Read the cautionary statement and press CONFIRM to consent to the update.
  2. The system will perform a series of checks to ensure all prerequisites are met.
  3. A 2-minute countdown will display. Exit and lock the doors at this time. See Doors.
  4. The Pilot Panel and Left Cockpit Panel screens will be blank during the update. The Glass Cockpit will indicate that the update is proceeding. The progress can be viewed on the Right Cockpit Panel and within the Lucid Mobile App.
  5. A notification will appear on the Left Pilot Panel and a push notification will be sent to the Lucid Mobile App when the update is complete.
Note: A notification will display on the Infotainment screens and a push notification will be sent to the Lucid Mobile App if an update fails to install:
  • Resolve the issue and press TRY AGAIN if a failure is due to a prerequisite not being met, (e.g., battery was at less than 20% or vehicle was not put in Park).
  • Contact a Lucid Service Center for assistance if the a failure is due to another reason.

Viewing Release Notes

Lucid strongly recommends that all users read the release notes for every software update. They may contain important information about your vehicle, including safety information or new operating instructions.

Release notes can be viewed before and after a software update via the following methods:

  • Select >  About Vehicle on the Pilot Panel. The software versions for the current installation and any available updates will be listed. Press Learn More next to a version to read the notes for it.
  • Press Learn More on the prompt that appears on the Right Cockpit Panel when an update has installed successfully.