Using the Key Fob

Your vehicle includes two alternate keyless entry systems: a key fob and a valet card.

Warning: The keyless entry system uses low-frequency radio transmissions that might interfere with implanted medical devices. To avoid any possibility of interference, keep such medical devices away from any transmitters.
Warning: To prevent other occupants' accidental operation of the vehicle's systems, do not leave a key fob in an unattended vehicle.
Caution: To ensure your vehicle is left in a secure state, remove all key fobs from the car before leaving it unattended.

Key fob range

The key fob communicates with receivers in the vehicle via Bluetooth® Low Energy (LE) and low-frequency radio communication. While it is not necessary to point your key fob at the car, it must be within operating range to work.

Note: The key fob operating range varies, depending upon environmental factors. Nearby radio transmitters (e.g., amateur or CB radios, radio or television stations, airports) may interfere with communications between the key fob and the vehicle. In cases of interference, it may be necessary to move closer to the car than usual to operate the key fob.

You can operate the key fob manually once it is detected or is closer to the vehicle.

While carrying a key fob, all doors will automatically unlock and present their handles when approaching your vehicle.

When leaving your vehicle while carrying a key fob, all doors will automatically lock, and any presented door handles will retract.

Key fob operation

As you approach the vehicle, the key fob should be within range.

Note: The key fob button is located on the center of the top surface, in the middle of the LUCID logo.

Once within range, the key fob operates as follows:

  • Press once to lock all doors, trunk, and front trunk.
  • Press twice to unlock all doors, trunk, and front trunk.
  • Press and hold the button to open or close the front trunk.
  • Press the button four times for the panic alarm to trigger. To cancel the panic alarm, press the button four times again or twice to unlock it.

Key fob troubleshooting

If the key fob does not respond when pressed:

  • Try operating the key fob as closely to your vehicle as possible. Other radio equipment operating on a similar frequency may interfere with the signals from your key fob.
  • The key fob battery may need replacing. See Replacing the Key Fob Battery. If the key fob battery is depleted, you can still unlock the vehicle by holding it near the driver's side center pillar (similar to the valet card).

If you cannot unlock your vehicle with the key fob, use the mobile app or Valet Card. See Using the Valet Card. Contact Lucid Customer Care if the problem persists.