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Braking Systems

Warning: It is critical to occupant safety that your braking systems are always functioning properly. Contact a Lucid Service Center immediately if you experience any braking issues or receive any fault messages regarding the braking system.
Warning: Driving through heavy rain or water can have a temporary adverse effect on braking efficiency.
CAUTION: Do not rest your foot on the brake pedal while the vehicle is in motion, unless you are applying the brakes because it can cause premature brake wear.

The foot pedal hydraulically-operated brakes are electrically boosted, but only when the vehicle is on. If the vehicle loses power when driving, you will need to apply more force on the brake pedal (which will cause longer stopping distances).

A red brake indicator and a notification message will display on the Glass Cockpit if the brake fluid level in the reservoir is low.

Red Brake Indicator (Canada Only).

See Checking Brake Fluid.

A brake system fault has been detected if the yellow brake indicator displays on the Glass Cockpit. Contact a Lucid Service Center as soon as possible.

Yellow Brake Indicator (Canada Only).

Note: New brakes normally produce minor noises during a break-in period (during which the brake pad and rotor optimize their surface contact area and friction force). A typical break-in period is approximately 20-25 stops from 35 mph (56 kmph) or higher.

Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS)

Warning: Always maintain an appropriate distance from the vehicle in front because ABS cannot overcome the physical limitations of trying to stop the vehicle a very short distance.
Warning: The braking distance on road surfaces that are wet, slippery, or loose is always increased (even for vehicles equipped with ABS).
Warning: Always drive with due care and attention to your surroundings and road conditions. ABS will not correct driver errors.

Your vehicle is equipped with an Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) that helps prevent the wheels from locking during hard braking or braking on roads with reduced grip.

The ABS monitors the speed of each wheel during braking and varies the brake fluid pressure at each wheel to prevent the wheels from locking. This system helps maintain steering ability during maximum brake application.

When ABS activates, you may experience the following:

  • Pulsations in the Brake Pedal
  • A Slight Drop of the Brake Pedal
  • Clicking or Grinding Noises
  • ABS Warning Indicator Flickering on and off as the System Activates

These conditions demonstrate that ABS is operating and are not a cause for concern. Therefore, you must maintain a firm and steady pressure on the brake pedal while experiencing the pulsation.

Emergency Braking

Warning: Do not pump the brake pedal because this interrupts the operation of the ABS system and increases your stopping distance (which could lead to a collision).

Fully press the brake pedal in an emergency, even when the road surface is slippery.

Secondary Collision Mitigation System

The secondary collision mitigation system, or post-collision braking system, automatically triggers the vehicle brakes if the vehicle detects a crash. The system is designed to activate the electric park brake automatically after the vehicle comes to a standstill.

The driver can override the secondary collision mitigation braking by either fully depressing the accelerator or brake pedal.

ABS Warning Indicator

The ABS indicator displays with a notification message on the Glass Cockpit. If illuminated, the ABS is disabled. Contact a Lucid Service Center as soon as possible to have the fault repaired.

CAUTION: The pedal-operated braking system remains operational even when ABS is disabled. Be aware that braking distances may increase and wheels may lock under heavy braking.

Regenerative Braking

Warning: High regenerative braking can cause aggressive traction control when driving the vehicle in snowy/icy conditions. Lucid recommends switching to Standard (for dual motor / tri-motor AWD variants) or Low (for single motor RWD variants) when driving in such conditions to avoid possible loss of control.

Regenerative braking slows the vehicle and feeds energy back to the high-voltage battery whenever the vehicle is moving and your foot is off the accelerator.

Although you should still use the brake pedal whenever it is needed to stop safely, you can take advantage of regenerative braking by anticipating your stops and reducing accelerator pedal position.

Note: The brake lights turn on to alert others that you are slowing down if regenerative braking is aggressively slowing your vehicle (such as, when your foot is completely off the accelerator pedal at highway speeds).

During regenerative braking, the charge/power meter that arcs over the speedometer shows the current amount of energy being generated and fed back to the high-voltage battery.

The amount of generated energy being fed back to the high-voltage battery vary depending on the current state of the battery and the regenerative braking setting being used. For example, regenerative braking may be limited if the battery is extremely hot or cold or if the battery is already charged to its maximum allowable level. If the regenerative braking is limited, a notification will display on the Cockpit Panel.

Note: You'll notice a difference in driving behavior if the regenerative braking levels become limited. In that case, you may need to apply the brake pedal more frequently in such conditions.

Regenerative Braking Settings

On the Pilot Panel, press >  Vehicle > Drive Settings, then click to select between two levels of Regenerative Braking:

  • Standard - Provides the standard amount of regenerative braking.

    The vehicle takes longer to slow down and coasts further than if set to High when you release the accelerator.

  • High (available only on AWD vehicles) - Provides the maximum amount of regenerative braking.

    The vehicle decelerates faster and reduces the need to use the brakes when you release the accelerator.

  • Low (available only on RWD vehicles) - Provides a reduced amount of regenerative braking.

    The vehicle decelerates slower when you release the accelerator.

Single-motor RWD vehicles will revert back to the default Standard setting each time the vehicle is turned on. AWD vehicles will retain the selected regenerative braking setting when the vehicle is power cycled. Standard and High are the only settings available in Dual Motor and tri-motor AWD vehicles. Standard and Low are the only settings available in Single Motor RWD vehicles.

For more information, see Drive Modes.

Vehicle Hold

Vehicle Hold controls brake settings and can keep your vehicle stopped even when your foot is not on the brake pedal.

When set to HOLD, the vehicle remains stationary after a stop. The brakes will hold until the driver presses the accelerator pedal again. If it is set to ROLL, the car rolls freely after releasing the accelerator.

To configure, use the Pilot Panel and touch >  Vehicle > Drive Settings, then select the desired mode.

Note: Brake settings, (HOLD/ROLL), can only be changed when the vehicle is in P (Park), and will save to your user profile.
Note: Vehicle hold disengages if the driver shifts into N (Neutral), or presses and releases the brake pedal.
Note: Vehicle Hold will disengage and shift into P (Park) in any of the following instances:
  • The hold has been braking for approximately 10 minutes.
  • The system detects that the driver has exited the vehicle.

Parking Brake

CAUTION: You will not be able to select another gear in the unlikely event that your vehicle loses electrical power, and therefore, will be unable to release the parking brake. Contact a Lucid Service Center for assistance.

The parking brake operates on the rear wheels, independent of the pedal-operated brake system.

The parking brake automatically applies when P (Park) is selected, and releases when any other gear is selected. It is also engaged by certain systems when a time limit is reached. See Vehicle Hold.

The red parking brake indicator is displayed on the Glass Cockpit when the parking brake is engaged. A flashing indicator signals either operating with a fault or a parking brake stuck in operation.

This is the red parking brake indicator (Canada only).

If the indicator is amber, a fault has been detected and the parking brake may not be applied when the vehicle is in P (Park). This will be accompanied by a notification on the Glass Cockpit. Contact a Lucid Service Center to have the fault repaired.

This is the amber parking brake indicator (Canada only).

Emergency Use

Pressing and holding the P (Park) button in an emergency decelerates the vehicle to a low speed using the service brakes, then applies the parking brake.

CAUTION: Driving the vehicle with the parking brake applied or repeated use of the parking brake to slow the vehicle may cause serious damage to the brake system.

Parking on a Slope

Warning: In snowy or icy conditions, the rear wheels may not have sufficient traction to prevent the vehicle from sliding when parked on a slope. You are always responsible for parking safely.
Warning: The vehicle will give audible and visual warnings if you are parking on too steep of a grade for the parking brake to securely hold the vehicle. Drive to a less steep area and re-park.

As an added precaution:

  • If your vehicle is parked on a hill and facing uphill, turn the steering wheel so the front wheels are pointing away from the curb.
  • If your vehicle is parked on a hill and facing downhill, turn the steering wheel so the front wheels are pointing towards the curb.

Brake Pad Wear

Warning: Neglecting to replace worn brake pads can damage the brake rotors, reduce the vehicle’s braking efficiency, and increase the distance needed to stop the car.

The brake pads installed on your vehicle are equipped with wear indicators, which will cause the vehicle to display warning messages when the brake pads are nearing the end of life. Contact an authorized Lucid Motors Service Center to replace the brake pads.

If the red brake wear indicator displays on the Glass Cockpit, the system has detected excessive brake wear. Contact a Lucid Service Center as soon as possible to have the brakes inspected.

CANADA ONLY. If the red brake wear indicator displays on the Glass Cockpit, the system has detected excessive brake wear. Contact a Lucid Service Center as soon as possible to have the brakes inspected.